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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  June 21, 2016 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT

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covering everything going on in the world. that gives us perspective. just squeeze your little ones. squeeze your loved ones and remember what is important. we all need to. i'm brooke baldwin, thank you so much for being with me here today. we'll be back tomorrow. in the meantime to washington we go. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. thanks brooke. would what board room donald say about his campaign cash flow issues? "the lead" starts right now. hillary clinton calling donald trump dangerous again, attempting to clobber him on the economy as trump, a man whose name is nearly synonymous with cash answers questions about why his campaign seems relatively broke. breaking news new details in the orlando terror investigation. where the killer went in the hours before the shooting and what was he doing with three plane tickets? plus democrats accusing
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republicans of selling guns to isis? this after a series of gun control measures die in the senate and today the white house frankly may have added more ammo to the clip. good afternoon, everyone. welcome to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. hillary clinton tried to eviscerate donald trump's greatest campaign strength his perceived business acumen. >> we cannot put a person like this with all his empty promises in a position of power over our lives. we can't let him bankrupt america like we are one of his failed casinos. >> clinton is hoping to exploit any potential weaknesses in her rival after an unsteady few weeks in his campaign and now the businessman finds himself lagging behind hillary clinton in how much money their campaigns have in the bank
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what's called cash on hand. he's behind her to the tune of $40 million. we've got reporters covering both presidential campaigns this afternoon. we're going to begin with cnn's senior white house correspondent jim acosta. he's live outside trump tower. jim, mr. trump trying to regain the offensive this week turning the focus back on his democratic opponent. >> reporter: that's right, jake. donald trump is working in overdrive trying to reassure republicans that he is running a credible campaign after some downright awful fund-raising numbers, but there is one sign of life for his campaign and that is it is hitting back at hillary clinton in ways it hasn't before. despite a lifetime of cutting deals that made him billions of dollars, donald trump is so short of campaign cash gop jaws are dropping. but don't worry says trump. >> this weekend we had a very big fund-raising weekend. it's not revealed yet, but we raised a lot of money. >> reporter: still, consider the numbers.
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according to federal campaign filings, hillary clinton finished the month of may with $42 million in the bank. trump ended up with a tiny fraction of that haul just $1.3 million. other glaring findings this month, 17% of the campaign spending was dished out to trump-related entities like when the campaign rents space from a trump property for oon event and $35,000 i went to somebody called draper sterling. >> it's right on strategy. >> and expenditure with a name reminiscent of the advertising agency in the hit show "mad men." trump released a statement on his fund-raising noting his appeals to donors are just beginning adding if need be, there could be unlimited cash on hand as i was put up my own money. earlier in the day he blamed republicans who haven't rallied behind his campaign. >> they don't want to come on. they will probably eventually come on. honestly if they don't, it's just fine. i can win it either way. >> reporter: nothing to see here added the rnc. >> i appreciate everyone's concern over the state of our
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party. we're doing just great. >> reporter: trump trails hillary clinton by five points in a new cnn/orc poll. in a new quinnipiac swing state poll shows trump down eight points in florida while running neck and neck in ohio and pennsylvania but trump is signaling a more aggressive stage of the campaign is just ahead. his campaign is blasting out e-mails and hitting social media to counter clinton's latest attacks responding faster than it has before. >> and she's been there watching. >> reporter: trump advisers are hopeful it's a change for the better after the firing of campaign manager corey lewandowski. the candidate was out shoring up support among evangelical leaders gathered in new york. >> christianity i owe so much to it in so many ways through life through having incredible children through so many other things but i also owe it from frankly standing here because the evangelical vote was mostly gotten by me. >> reporter: and trump has a speech aimed at attacking
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clinton's set for tomorrow. she was doing the same to him earlier today but a big difference jake unlike past speeches from hillary clinton attacking donald trump, today the trump campaign was offering sort of a rebuttal to that speech something it hasn't been dorff. asked whether the campaign has hired a slew of new communication staffers one trump adviser told me jake god, i hope so. jik jake? >> jimacosta thanks so much. hillary clinton is out in front in fund-raising and campaign organization but fresh polls from battleground states pennsylvania and ohio show that regardless of her few good weeks and a rough few more mr. trump the two candidates remain neck and neck in two very valuable pieces of electoral wealth. cnn's senior political correspondent brianna keilar covered clinton's speech in columbus ohio earlier today. brianna, hillary clinton might be ahead in our latest national head head-to-head poll but voters are still giving trump higher marks on the economy and creating
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jobs. >> reporter: significantly higher marks, and this is something, of course the clinton campaign is taking note of. the economy, jake is the issue that voters say is what matters to them most and so hillary clinton has a lot of work to do. ♪ >> reporter: hillary clinton hitting donald trump on his experience as a businessman. >> he's written a lot of books about business. they all seem to end at chapter 11. >> reporter: taking aim at him for going into bankruptcy with four of his corporations and for once calling himself the king of debt. >> the king of debt has no real plan for making college debt payable back or making college debt-free. this is a crisis that affects so many of our people. he has no credible plan for rebuilding our infrastructure apart from the wall that he wants to build.
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>> reporter: but trump is embracing the moniker tweeting i am the king of debt. that has been great for me as a businessman but is bad for the country. i made a fortune off of debt will fix u.s. many voters agree. in a new cnn/orc poll when asked who would better handle the economy, 51% of those polled said trump. clinton trailing him by eight points. her campaign is trying to change that putting up a new website in conjunction with her economic speech the art of the, a play on his best-selling book "the art of the deal" and releasing a video about trump's unsuccessful business ventures. >> have you ever heard of trump steaks? have you ever heard of -- >> you know what? >> all of these companies that you've ruined. >> whatever happened to trump airlines. >> trump travel trump ice. >> trump magazine which folded. trump world magazine which also folded. >> and trump mortgage. >> reporter: but as clinton trails trump on handling of the economy in the polls, she's crushing him on fund-raising with $42 million in the bank to
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trump's $1.3 million. that's not her only advantage over the presumptive gop nominee. the latest cnn poll also shows voters see clinton as having the better temperament to serve as president by a 24-point margin. clinton today seeking to connect those doubts with putting trump in charge of the u.s. economy. >> like he shunt haveouldn't have his finger on the button he shouldn't have his hands on our economy. >> reporter: as hillary clinton's anti-trump rhetoric heats up so does the speculation of who her running mate will be. the names in close consideration cnn has learned include tim kaine and elizabeth warren wells as well as housing and urban development secretary castro and labor secretary perez. one ohio senator sherrod brown, who has a very good rapport with hillary clinton. when are we going to find out? it might not be until around the republican convention in about a month.
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>> brianna keilar thanks so much. let's bring in adam kinzinger of illinois. congressman, first of all, let me get your reaction to the fact that according to the reports hillary clinton has $42 million cash on hand. donald trump has $1.3 million. i know you want republicans to win the white house although you're unsure of donald trump. that has to be alarming. >> it's hugely alarming. i think it goes to show that donald trump has made the point he doesn't need to run a traditional campaign. well you really do. you need fund-raisers and organizers who can work on the ground. he has 70 employees and hillary clinton has something like 700 worgeing to working to organize in the field. i think part of the problem you run into and it happens with any so-called self-funding candidate is if they say, well i can just write a check myself you have a lot of small donors that go, well, then he doesn't need my $100 or $50 if i'm just basically displacing what he's going to write anyway. i think it's very concerning.
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>> i think big donors have been saying that too. have you heard from -- you have to fund raise like every other public official in this country. have you heard from donors saying they're not going to give money from trump and if so why? >> i was talking with a big donor, e-mailing with one today who basically said he's staying out of the presidential race. he's going to help house and senate republicans to hold the house and senate. look they're concerned the same reason i am, the same reason i'm not supporting donald trump is because i think temperament. i think spending more time attacking fellow republicans, not doing what's necessary to unite. we have seen his comments. a lot of these deanors are concerned about foreign policy the role of america in the world. we've seen a front-runner that praises vladimir putin and condemns david cameron. >> you say you're not supporting donald trump. is that forever or just right now? >> i'm not a never trump guy because in my mind to say never, then you're basically saying doesn't matter what you do, doesn't matter if you come and start showing that you're a republican or whatever.
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i'm a not there yet guy, and each day that goes by it's becoming harder and harder to see how i get there, but i really want to. i'd love to support the republican nominee, but as i have said i'm an american before i'm a republican and i have to put it through that filter first. >> do you not worry that your position really helps hand the election over to hillary clinton? >> well it's a concern. look i'm not going to be the defining vote in illinois. illinois is a pretty democratic -- >> but there's an aggregate of all of you saying these things that might help tip the election. >> well it's a concern but, look i have a lot of serious concerns with donald trump and i take my position -- you know i'm a private citizen. i hold nothing against people who supported donald trump. i understand it. but as a citizen who happens to be a member of congress people ask my opinion, and my opinion is i have a hard time getting to yes on donald trump, and i definitely don't want hillary clinton to win, you know, but at the end of the day the uniting of the party is on donald trump. it's not on people like me. it's not on members of congress. it's on the front-runner.
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you see that in the democratic party as hillary clinton tries to bring some of the bernie sanders folks on board. >> so if the election were today, what would you do? >> i would probably write in a republican's name and i'm not sure who yet. >> interesting. let me ask you a question. you're not just a member of congress and a private citizen. you're also a veteran who must have opinions about who would be a better commander in chief. >> yeah. >> would you be more comfortable with hillary clinton as commander in chief than you would donald trump? and the reason i ask is because i think your foreign policy is closer to hers. >> well i'm not going to say i'd be more comfortable with one or the other. i have concerns with both of them and i have real deep concerns with donald trump. you know at the end of the day i hope that over the next five months donald trump can begin to articulate a foreign policy that i agree with. at least in some level. i don't have to agree with him on 100% but appears republican and reaganesque. he's just not there yet. >> can i just translate. you said you have concerns about both of them but then you said you have real deep concerns about donald trump. that suggests that you have more
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concerns about him than you do about her. >> and i have real concerns about hillary clinton too. you look at the postgame in libya and i supported intervention in libya but we turned our back in the postgame and the lack of action in syria has been a big problem too. >> congressman, good to see you. thanks so much for being here. why is donald trump struggling to fund raise and should the campaign be concerned about it? that's next. plus new information about what the orlando terrorist was doing the night of the shooting including a visit to the pulse nightclub just hours before the attack. stay with us. when a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain
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welcome back to "the lead." ed a donald trump looks to right his campaign hillary clinton is hoping to take advantage of her seeming organizational edge. let's talk about this with our panel. republican strategist ana navarro, democratic strategist and hillary clinton supporter paul begala and donald trump supporter erer kayleigh mcenany. why is mr. trump having problems bringing in fund-raising dollars and can it be fixed? >> it can be fixed.
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let's be real. donald trump just started funds raising. he hasn't been sending the e-mails, hasn't been promising to match it. this is all just starting. should it have started earlier? perhaps. but it's worth mentioning donald trump has defied conventional wisdom every step of the way. three opposing candidates in the primary, rubio, cruz and bush all spent upwards of $100 million. he spent half that and won. this is a general election. you need cash but the rnc has cash. he's going to bring in cash. it's going to change. it's going to change now and i think that he will defy conventional wisdom again. >> kayleigh as always comes better prepared to these things than i do and she just basically said my second question which is to you ana. donald trump has defied conventional wisdom before. he was outspent during the primaries. is it possible it doesn't matter as much as we think it does? >> at this stage of the game it does matter because infrastructure starts to matter. you have got to pay payroll. you have to make payroll. the expenses start mounting up. there are some expenses that can only be paid by the hard money
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of a campaign. i think what you're seeing is that i don't care how rich you are and donors today can be very very wealthy, no matter how rich you are, nobody likes to throw money away. they need to feel confidence that he is running a well-run campaign that he's got the staff, he's got the messaging, he's got a plan and that's what you're seeing in that number is lack of confidence. >> paul, let's be frank. donald trump had a few rough weeks, and yet the polls tonight to really seem to reflect that in every place. look at the polls we have here. in ohio trump and clinton are basically tied. pennsylvania, which nearly always goes democratic, clinton is up by only 1%. she should be doing much, much better one would think after these last few weeks. >> yes, short answer but she is doing better than she was a few weeks ago. don't forget she's -- her primaries ended later. >> not in those states though. >> yes, in those states. the quinnipiac polls were better
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for trump than they are today. i generally don't do this in public. they did survey these over 11 days so it makes it a little suspect. that's too long. a poll is a snapshot in time. if you're moving the camera thatch it's going to be buryr blurry. >> shouldn't she be cleaning his clock is my point? >> and she will but it will not be easy. i do not want democrats to give in to this irrational ex ub bans. i'm with kayleigh i don't think all is well in trump land. he doesn't need organization and money, but hillary does. she does need to fight, it's not going to be easy. i don't think democrats are going -- >> he's such a veteran sarcastic humor. >> i know. so smart and once again paul stepping on my question to you, kayleigh. let's look at the numbers out of florida. clinton leads trump by 8%. quite a bit of that is because of how strong she is and how weak he is with nonwhite voters
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ifvoters. if he does not win florida, it could make his election effort much more difficult. could he improve his standing in florida especially with minority voters? >> i think he can and you're exactly right. he needs to win florida. the map becomes imminently easier to dominate and win with florida. i think the key for him there is to emphasize how the obama economy has hurt minorities. they're facing double digit real unemployment. wages are stagnant. he needs to reach out to millennials in that regard. every time he's asked about the judge or something else hammer back the economy because that is what people care about and that is his way to resonate with minority voters. >> but that's not very trumpian. ana, here is how mr. trump responded to hillary clinton's speech on the economy today. he wrote, i am the king of debt. that was something he had said that she hammered him for. i am the king of debt. that has been great for me as a businessman but it's bad for the country. i made a fortune off of debt. will fix u.s. is that trump taking kayleigh's advice and staying on message? >> i think it's trump doing what he does which is answering
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through 140 character tweets. at some point he's going to need to answer with a lot more detail. at some point he's going to need to release tax returns. i think hillary clinton is, you know taking him apart piece by piece. first important policy now on what he supposedly brings to the table. economic forte, knowledge of business, executive experience. if he can't even run his own campaign if he can't even fund his own campaign you begin to question does the emperor have no clothes on? this is what his forte is? this is what he's bringing to the table? so she's smart to be trying to define him this early on. i think it's something that a lot of his opponents in the primary missed the chance to do. >> well his opponents, yes, they missed many opportunities. paul, i need to ask you this because our jeff zeleny is reporting these are the names that team clinton is looking at for their vp pick. senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts, virginia senator tim kaine, hud secretary julian
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castro thomas perez, sherrod brown, and baltecerra. >> if you only pick someone for the campaign, you will make a bad pick. it will be politically bad. it seems odd but if you try to be too political it will blow up. there are two qualifications. >> you're saying clinton and bush did not do that. >> correct. clinton, bush and obama, all three of our last three presidents i believe picked one for the right reason. in bush's case if something happened to me cheney. bush didn't need cheney's animal magnaetism magnetism. he made a governing pick. hillary needs to do the same thing. >> you know he asked you one question. pick one person. >> i will not. >> i get the explanation. you're not going to give me a name? >> no way.
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who can run the president and be a good governing partner if nothing bad happens to the president. >> who would you pick? >> i wouldn't pick elizabeth warren because i think she's got a chance to pick off some moderate republicans who are going to have the bejesus scared out of them. >> tim kaine? >> i think tim kaine is a smart pick. he also knows how to speak spanish. spent time in honduras so he will bring -- he's not a hispanic, but he will bring appeal towards hispanics. >> ten seconds, kayleigh. who would you pick? >> i would pick castro. she has a millennial problem. she needs some youth and vitality and that would do that. >> great job. thank you so much. coming up later, meet the libertarian presidential candidate, presidential ticket at the cnn libertarian town hall with gary johnson and william weld live wednesday night at 9:00 p.m. three plane tickets to california for a trip in july. that's what law enforcement now
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welcome back. we're back with the national lead now and major developments today in the orlando terror investigation as investigators try to retrace the steps of the killer. they're learning that he visited pulse nightclub hours before shooting up the place. investigators say he came to the club left then came back and killed 49 people in cold blood. investigators also say that before the shooting the orlando terrorist bought three plane tickets which raises even more
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questions about his larger plan. cnn justice correspondent pamela brown has been working her sources and joins me now. pamela the terrorist had an argument with his wife before the rampage as you tell me. >> that's right. >> what was it about? >> we're learning from officials that he left the house angry that day and he left with a bag of guns. that is what the wife is telling investigators, but she did not call police and now we're learning more about what he did in those hours after he left the house and before he opened fire in that nightclub. >> reporter: cnn has learned the orlando terrorist, omar mateen went to pulse nightclub earlier that saturday night posing as a regular customer paying the cover charge and getting a wristband. law enforcement officials say he then left before returning two hours later to carry out his attack. as the gay club prepared to close early sunday morning. investigators believe he had been casing club security but they're still trying to figure out what he did in between the
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time he left the club and returned. >> we're working to identify anyone he had contact with that night up to obviously and including any phone contact, any kind of electronic communication that he had, and we're still processing all that information. >> reporter: adding to the mystery of his motive was the purchase of plane tickets the day before the attack. investigators say mateen bought three tickets for a july trip to california for himself, his wife and his child. a focus of the investigation remains on his wife, noor salman. cnn has learned she told investigators mateen was angry when he left their fort pierce home saturday and carried a bag full of guns with him. she claims she pleaded with him not to leave, grabbing him by the arm. she maintains she didn't know his specific plans. investigators also continue to interview his associates to see what they may have known in advance of the attack and whether mateen had prior plots in the work. >> if anybody knew that this was going to happen and was a
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participant and helped it that that person will be prosecuted either in state or federal court, one of the two. >> reporter: a day after the justice department took heat for redacting parts of the 911 transcript released to the public attorney general loretta lynch told reporters in orlando today her department is now considering releasing the 911 calls during the attack. >> we are looking to be as transparent as possible and to provide as much information as possible. over the course of time we certainly are hope to that. >> reporter: and we've also learned that investigators are crute nies scrutinizing video of the gunman practicing with the rifle he used during the rampage. in fact staff at that range told investigators he was shooting from the hip rather than the shoulder which prompted staff to tell him not to do that. also jake we have learned that the wife the gunman's wife has retained a lawyer. it's unclear exactly what that is but, of course we're trying to figure that out. >> pamela brown thank you so much. democratic lawmakers attacking republicans after the failed gun control votes.
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democrats saying that republicans, quote, want to sell guns to isis. and now the white house is weighing in. stay with us.
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welcome back to "the lead" np new fireworks today in congress's battle over gun control. after the senate voted down four amendments designed to strengthen background checks and prevent suspected terrorists from obtaining weapons. in response some democrats are accusing republicans of selling guns to isis. cnn's senior political reporter manu raju joins me now. manu that's a pretty stark accusation republicans selling guns to terrorists. >> reporter: absolutely jake. and democrats are not backing off this at all. this really started when chris
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murphy the democratic senator from connecticut who launched that 15-hour filibuster last week trying to call and push republicans on the issue of gun control, vented to "the washington post" and said that republicans chose to sell weapons to isis. now, afterwards elizabeth warren the progressive fire brand, some presume to be on hillary clinton's short list to be vice president tweeted that she agrees that chris murphy said it accurately and said it correctly. now, today i had a chance to question senate democratic leader harry reid about whether or not that rhetoric was responsible. >> i don't criticize them at all for saying what they did because actually it's true. >> as we see it, it is without question possible for suspected terrorists to buy guns because republicans are protecting their ability to do so. >> reporter: now, it's clearly not backing down at all, jake, and this comes, of course, days after john mccain accused
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president obama of being, quote, directly responsible for the attacks in orlando because of his policies in iraq and dealing with isis but mccain later sort of walked back that remark saying well he actually meant his policies were directly responsible. as we can see here democrats are not backing down probably because they sense a political advantage in this fight and are taking it to republicans jake. >> you'll this heat i would imagine, won't necessarily help the efforts of moderate republican senator susan collins of maine who is attempting right now to pull together a compromise that would allow people who are on the terrorist watch list or the no-fly list to be blocked from purchasing firearms. what is the status of that legislation? >> reporter: that's right, jake. she has a bipartisan group of senators trying to push this forward but what she does not have are the numbers. what she's having -- on the right, the republican leadership is skeptical about elements of her plan and similarly on the left democratic leaders also believe there are a number of
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flaws in her bill. so while she may have some support in the middle getting broad bipartisan support, 60 votes in the senate is going to be incredibly difficult. the white house, the justice department has raised some concerns about this as well and we're not even talking about the house, the republican controlled house even if it gets out of the senate. very difficult seeing this get past the house so a lot of work for her ahead. >> all right. manu raju on capitol hill. thanks so much. more in our politics lead. breaking news. pennsylvania congressman shaka fatah, a democrat was convicted in a federal court today. the 59-year-old, who represents west philadelphia was found guilty on all 23 charges he faced, including racketeering money laundering and fraud. prosecutors say fatah stole money from federal grants and nonprofit funds to pay you a debt from his failed mayoral campaign in philly back in 2007. he has been in office the democrat since 1995 and he was already losing his house seat after being defeated in a democratic primary back in
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april. president obama says the united states military is firing on quote, all cylinders when it comes to the war against isis but our next guest says the president doesn't necessarily have an effective strategy when it comes to the war against isis. and he's a democrat. then raging wildfires and growing and burning dangerously close to each other. so strong smoke can be seen from downtown l.a. don't go to paris. live in paris. when you airbnb, you have your own home. so, live there. even if it's just for a night.
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our world lead now, welcome back to "the lead." i'm jake tapper. today the deadly violence in syria spilled in jordan a critical ally in the anti-isis coalition. six jordanian security guards were killed this morning in a car bomb attack. the first of its kind not far from a massive refugee camp along syria's border with jordan. the bloodshed just another indication of the regional instability caused by this five-year-long civil war and the rise of isis. and it comes as dozens of diplomats, service members, and various officials in and out of
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the obama administration voice concern that there is no actual u.s. strategy in syria and iraq despite the rosier picture the president continually paints. >> isil is on defense, and it's now been a full year since isil has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either syria or iraq. this campaign at this stage is firing on all cylinders. >> now, dozens of isis leaders have been killed and iraqi forces backed by the u.s. military have retaken large portions of isis territory, but do those successes equal a strategy? is the united states firing on all cylinders? no not according to former and current members of the military in the obama administration who have said to me on background that years into this effort the u.s. lacks a coherent plan to accomplish the mission that the
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president has stated destroying isis. here is retired marine general james maddis former centcom commander testifying before the u.s. senate last year. >> i don't know what our policy is on syria. i don't know what the political end state is that people want to accomplish, and if you wander into a war without knowing that, you're probably going to get lost. we've been somewhat in a strategy-free environment for quite some time. >> to this day in speeches the general refers to sear yand iraq as a strategy-free zone. former secretary of defense chuck hagel told foreign policy magazine a few months ago that in obama administration discussions, quote, we seemed to veer away from the big issues. what was our political strategy on syria? last week 51 current diplomats noting that more than 400,000 syrians have been killed and millions more displaced wrote in an internal memo quote, the status quo in syria will present
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increasingly dire if not disastrous humanitarian, diplomatic and terrorism relate ed challenges. secretary of state john kerry called the memo important. several sources told me they think the current plan is to buy time until president obama leaves joining me now is democratic congressman seth molten. he deployed to iraq four times while in the marine corps. congressman, thanks so much for being here. >> thanks for having me jake. >> do you think that the united states when it comes to syria, iraq and isis is in a strategy-free zone as general mattis calls it? >> actually i agree with general mattis. and the problem is we do have military plans and the president is right when he says the military fight against isis is going pretty well. i've been out there. i visited the troops. isis hasn't gained territory since may of last year.
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but if we don't know ultimately what we're fighting for, what the political solution is to maintain the peace, then we could find ourselves coming back into iraq five years after we finally defeat isis the same way we're back in iraq today five years after we defeated al qaeda in iraq back in 2007-2008. >> now, much of the push back on this from the military and from the obama administration officials is hey, what's your plan? as you know those diplomats signed an internal memo pleading with the obama administration to launch strikes against the assad regime and here is what vice president biden told charlie rose this morning about that scenario. >> there's not a single, solitary recommendation that i saw that is a single-, solitaire answer attached to it. >> dongcongressman, is there a
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strategy that would work. >> we want a political transition from the assad regime. we need a plan going forward to make sure that they can choose a leader that the syrians like. three out of four syrians in a recent poll said they want a political transition but where is our political work? i mean we're a political transition. we are clearly sporting forces on the ground in syria. by the fact that we are taking military action in syria you would think we are trying to have a military overthrow of the assad regime. if you ask the administration they say we want a political transition. if you go to iraq we have a prime minister we like far better than prime minister malaki. he is trying to reform the government. there is a lot more we can do on
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the political front to help support him and make sure he can enact these changes. >> president obama said we are firing on all cylinders there. i know people in the service right now. you speak to them all the time. that does not square with what they tell me. do you think that is an honest statement, we are firing on all cylinders? >> we are firing on military cylinders. we are not firing on diplomatic cylinders at all. i was in iraq in march. it was clear that diplomats feel like their hands are tied and there are things we could be doing to help. we could minimize iranian influence on shi'a government and empowering sunnis. we could be managing the rift with the kurds. this could help to bring the government back together and create political stability so after we are done defeating isis
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on the military front we can go home and ensure that iraq will be stable for the future and maintain the peace and won't have to keep sending troops back again and again. >> do you think that what the obama administration policy right now is when it comes to syria and iraq is just buy time until the next president takes office? >> they are very serious about wanting to defeat isis. they are just working on military solution. the military campaign is going well but i just don't see the political end game here. when general said you have to know what you are fighting for he is right. i made sure every marine understood what our mission is and what we were fighting for. if you heard general petraeus talk about the mission to create military progress so we could create a space for political progress. so his military mission was very
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closely coordinated with the political work. that is why we made military and political progress in iraq during the surge. that kind of coordination that kind of high level strategy that tells the troops what they are fighting for and risking lives for on the ground doesn't seem to be there today. >> thank you so much and as always thank you for your service. >> thanks. temperatures soaring well into the triple digits and fuelling six separate wild fires. now there are concerns two fires could merge. is on honors members save up to 25% on brands like hampton, doubletree, hilton garden inn, and waldorf astoria so stop clicking around. book direct at now that's satisfaction.
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welcome back. california is battling not one, not two but six wild fires burning across the state all the way from the northern tip of the state to san diego county nearly
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24,000 acres in total making conditions even worse, temperatures hovering in the triple digits in many areas. erratic winds are feeding the fast moving fires. stephanie elam is live where two wild fires are burning next to each other. how threatening are flames to homes? >> reporter: i'll put it to you this way about 770 homes have been evacuated where we are. where i'm standing is right in front of a house. you look behind me you can see the flames in the wilderness. this community backs up to the angeles national forest when you take a look how close they came they decided to evacuate people. the other concern is the winds. if the winds keep moving to the west other communities going in the direction of los angeles will be facing more evacuations.
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that is a possibility here. as you said there are six fires burning in the state. all of those fires take resources. they are doing a dance here making sure they have resources in all places they need to to battle the fires. jake keep in mind summer just started and this is a part of life here when you have the wilderness against the communities. we are looking for more of this heading into the next few months. >> tell us about the status of the people of california. have there been injuries or fatalities? >> reporter: we have not heard any fatalities at this point. they are stressing to people that if they say it is time to prepare that means it is time to go. be prepared and pay attention to the news so we know what is happening. >> and the high temperatures are really making matters worse. >> reporter: not only is it hot, it is really hot.
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yesterday it was over 100 degrees out here. you also have winds which can drive the flames and then you add the fact that it is low humidity here. it's the perfect situation for fires. so that is why they are concerned that there could be more in the area. >> stay safe. turning it over to wolf blitzer and the situation room. thanks for watching. trump change. hillary clinton crushing donald trump in the fundraising race. tens of millions more dollars ahead of republican rival. then she is under attack. how is trump responding? trump's children tremendous influence in their father's white house bid playing key role in firing of his campaign manager. can they help turn around his troubled campaign? armed and angry. breaking news in the orlando massacre new